One of the great features of modern applications is the ability to automatically adapt to the operating system’s dark or light theme. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this functionality in a Compose for Desktop application using the jSystemThemeDetector library.
To dynamically adjust your Compose for Desktop application’s theme, we will use a simple utility class, DarkModeDetector
, which leverages jSystemThemeDetector
. This library efficiently detects the current theme (dark or light) and allows you to listen for theme changes in real-time.
Here is the implementation of the DarkModeDetector
import com.jthemedetecor.OsThemeDetector
object DarkModeDetector {
private val detector = OsThemeDetector.getDetector()
val isDarkThemeUsed: Boolean
get() = detector.isDark
fun registerListener(listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
detector.registerListener { isDark -> listener(isDark) }
You can integrate DarkModeDetector
into your Compose application to dynamically switch between dark and light themes. Here’s how to do it:
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.material3.*
import androidx.compose.ui.window.Window
import androidx.compose.ui.window.application
fun main() = application {
var isDarkTheme by remember { mutableStateOf(DarkModeDetector.isDarkThemeUsed) }
// Register the listener for theme changes
DarkModeDetector.registerListener { isDarkTheme = it }
Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) {
colorScheme = if (isDarkTheme) darkColorScheme() else lightColorScheme()
) {
// Your app content goes here
library handles the heavy lifting, providing a simple API for detecting and responding to theme changes.remember
and mutableStateOf
to ensure that Compose reacts to state changes.To use the jSystemThemeDetector
library, add the following dependency to your Gradle file:
Kotlin DSL:
The jSystemThemeDetector
library provides a robust and cross-platform way to detect the operating system’s theme. It works seamlessly across Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it an ideal choice for Compose for Desktop applications.
With just a few lines of code, you can make your Compose for Desktop application adapt dynamically to the operating system’s theme settings. This improves the user experience and makes your app feel more integrated with the host OS.
For more details, check out the jSystemThemeDetector GitHub repository and start enhancing your desktop application today!