Package-level declarations


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class AudioLevelProcessor : BaseAudioProcessor
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Defines a platform-specific video player state interface, providing the essential properties and operations needed for video playback management.

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data class VideoMetadata(var title: String? = null, var artist: String? = null, var duration: Long? = null, var width: Int? = null, var height: Int? = null, var bitrate: Long? = null, var frameRate: Float? = null, var mimeType: String? = null, var audioChannels: Int? = null, var audioSampleRate: Int? = null)

Represents metadata information for a video file. All properties are nullable as metadata might not be available for all video sources.

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sealed class VideoPlayerError

Represents different types of errors that can occur during video playback

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actual open class VideoPlayerState
expect open class VideoPlayerState

Represents the state and controls for a video player. This class provides properties and methods to manage video playback, including play, pause, stop, seeking, and more. It maintains information about the playback state, such as whether the video is currently playing, volume levels, and playback position.

actual open class VideoPlayerState
actual open class VideoPlayerState

Represents the state and behavior of a video player. This class provides properties and methods to control video playback, manage the playback state, and interact with platform-specific implementations.

actual open class VideoPlayerState


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Creates and manages an instance of VideoPlayerState within a composable function, ensuring proper disposal of the player state when the composable leaves the composition. This function is used to remember the video player state throughout the composition lifecycle.

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fun setupVideoElement(video: HTMLVideoElement, playerState: VideoPlayerState, scope: CoroutineScope, enableAudioDetection: Boolean = true)

Configure video element: listeners, WebAudioAnalyzer, etc.

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fun PlatformFile.toUriString(): String
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actual fun VideoPlayerSurface(playerState: VideoPlayerState, modifier: Modifier)
expect fun VideoPlayerSurface(playerState: VideoPlayerState, modifier: Modifier)

Renders a video player surface that displays and controls video playback.

actual fun VideoPlayerSurface(playerState: VideoPlayerState, modifier: <Error class: unknown class>)
actual fun VideoPlayerSurface(playerState: VideoPlayerState, modifier: Modifier)

Composable function for rendering a video player surface.

actual fun VideoPlayerSurface(playerState: VideoPlayerState, modifier: Modifier)